Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Summative Assessment: dates and instructions.

The closing date for the blogs is at the end of week 13, Monday, June 12, 4 pm. No blogs written after that time can be considered.
The closing date for the research assignments is the beginning of week 14, Friday, June 16 at 4 pm. No assignments after that date can be considered.
All research assignments are to be emailed to me at: m.johnson@xtra.co.nz. Please put ‘Lit Desire’ in the subject line of your email. Please put your name on the document you send me, and put your name inside the doc, on the front page. Please make sure pages are numbered.
Submissions will be accepted in a variety of formats, including plain Word docs for essays, Power Point for that style of presentation, Prezi and any other suitable presentation format. The suggested words limit is 1500 words, and this may vary a little with different formats. However, do not submit your assignment in note form, whatever presentation format used.
All submissions should be referenced. Those using hyperlinks should also provide a list of the websites used.
Note: There are no allowances for late submissions, as I have only a brief window of time to get these graded.
Best, and good luck, Mike Johnson.

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